CIN: U99999MH9999PLC009974
Inactive for e-filing**
ROC Mumbai
Company limited by guarantee
Non-government company
Community, personal & Social Services
A Corporate Identity Number (CIN) is a unique 21-digit identification number issued by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to companies registered in India.
Authorized capital is the maximum amount of share capital that a company is authorized to issue to shareholders, as specified in its memorandum of association.
Paid-up capital is the amount of money a company has received from shareholders in exchange for shares of stock.
Company status indicates whether a company is currently active, dormant, under liquidation, or struck off from the register of companies.
Inactive for e-filing
Company limited by shares
Strike OffCompany limited by shares
ActiveCompany limited by shares
ActiveCompany limited by shares
Strike OffCompany limited by shares
ActiveCompany limited by shares